Gantt Support (Feature Request)

Hey @frank!

Whenever I pitch a production management platform, I’m always asked about whether or not it can do Gantt charts and how well the interface for it has been designed. In some cases it outweighs any other benefit of the system. Are there any plans of integrating such a thing with CGWire? I think it’s essential to getting an overview of tasks, but I can also imagine it’s a little tricky to implement, and to implement right.

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Thank you @marcus for this feature request. Visual task management is definitely an important feature of a production management system. From my user interviews, it shows that Gantt charts are too restrictive and doesn’t fit well with a production environment. What is best are simple bars you can manage independently.

In my experience at HD3D, this kind of widget was a key feature. So, it’s really something I want to add at some point. But currently I have to focus on making what already exists good before going for complex additional features. That’s why it’s not on the roadmap.

Nevertheless, if anyone wants to add his 2 cents to this thread he/she is welcome!

NB: if I find a studio who wants to fund this addition, it could come quicker than expected.

Would you happen to have an example of that? I can’t quite picture it.

Here’s what I had in mind, though ideally without so much visual clutter.


From ftrack.

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It’s basically the same as your graph without the dependency arrow. I will look for old screenshots and post it there if I can find it.