CGWire is available on

Hello all,

First, I would like to wish you a happy new year! I wish you to work on great productions and pipelines. To start well this new year we decided to announce that CGWire API and its client can be installed through the pip software instead of the git repository. It allows you to manage your version of CGWire more properly: upgrade and rollback when needed. To make it short, we now have a proper packaging!


pip install gazu # install gazu
pip install gazu==0.4.0 # Install a specific version
pip install --upgrade gazu # Upgrade to latest version

pip install zou

Versions will be published at fast pace, especially if a hot fix is needed. We will do our best to publish at least a version every two weeks. Online install documentation have been updated as well.

You can see details on the following URLs:

Gazu Pypi page:
Zou Pypi page:

Thanks to @Pilou who made this packaging!

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